Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The Art of "HEARING"

 In the noise we call life, little seems to filter through anymore to the younger generation…some say that we have become clinical or that we have desensitized them due to the extreme amount of everything which is present in their lives, whether it be on TV, Radio, News , Internet or texts and social feeds.
I don’t think it’s so easy to explain away though. I have shop staff now and one can listen and hears my words , ask her to repeat what I said and she will do it; verbatim, but the other, she can not stop thinking inside her own head to hear the words I speak.
If I ask her to be silent while I talk to her on the phone, she hears nothing other than the repetition inside her head of the words she never got to speak to me….She can listen but she does not hear any thing.
And as annoying as I find her, my solution is simple, I just don’t allow her to pick up the phone any more.
In the big wide world though I am wondering how many others are listening but can not hear a word for the jumble that is their life, their thoughts and their distractions.
Politicians for instance, an easy one to criticize some of you will suggest, but I ask simply, if they heard the voters would they not do more, faster.
They listen but they fail to hear the tremendous tidal wave sweeping the planet right now of angered voters.
From America to Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece angry mobs are not just rioting for the sake of anarchy they are trying to get the attention of people who have stopped hearing the 99%.

I strongly believe that we have to be taught to hear again.
As a child throughout the first 5 or 6 years of schooling we would all sit around a mat, cross legged and listen the teacher as she read a book to us. I’m sure we all heard it differently for that is the beauty of imagination and fantasy, but after each story was read to us, no matter whether we pictured our selves in the story as the hero or the heroine, the slayer of the savior, we were asked a series of questions and marked upon our answers to the story line to ensure that had basic understanding of the story and its moral. At home even my parents read stories to me, sometimes at bed time and sometimes just sitting on their knee on the lounge room. I loved the safety and the especially the way the words sounded coming from such authoritarian voices.
My parents had no TV, thye listened to radio drama and had to imagine the storyline that they heard. They had to hear or they had nothing.

I wonder these days if children are read to by their busy parents, if teachers still sit children down and read a story to them, teaching a child not just a story but the art of hearing what is spoken. Playing voiceless games of war or myth on the internet is just not the same. Many people listen but few people truly “hear” these days and I find it sad.
In a world at the brink of anarchy in so many countries I wish people would stop and hear the voices of reason, stop and hear the needs of others, stop and hear the disparity between the rich and poor, that both sides would sit and hear the others point of view.
I lived through some tough times in the past year or so in another land and from the beginning people spoke of “dialogue” being the answer…the problem with dialogue is that it means speaking…the problem seemed that no one on the other end of the speak was HEARING the voices as they spoke. Trouble continues to this day as it does in so many other countries right now because listening occurred,  but hearing failed them.

But perhaps there is a simpler truth to it all. As we are so so busy these days texting, interneting, working on multi tasking, perhaps it’s the words of M.Scott Peck that ring the truest of my cause, "You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time."
Perhaps we should stop for a moment and listen to each other. Stop what is so important to “us” and “hear” what is important to another.

Although with the arrogance that much of the world seems to have become accustomed too, the wealth divide and the importance of everyone but us the little guy, perhaps it’s the words of Robert Schuller that speak the most truth of the matter, “Big egos have little ears”.

I enjoy listening, even if its my Sri Lankan staff or Filipino chefs waffling in their own languages.. It is after all how I learnt French, by immersion.. Stick yourself in the middle of a language you don’t understand and eventually you have to listen and hear the words form themselves. It’s a great way to learn, by hearing that which is around you.

And when I’m the only person speaking my own language, well as Franklin Jones stated,” at least by talking to myself, I can count on at least one person listenting.”

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Five, Six and Seven............

A few days back I wrote of the three things I need in life . The only three things in life I require as a nomad to feel at home. I ended the blog with number four, my MacBook air, which is my lifeline to the planet and to the planetary system which is my inner thoughts.. I literally type everything I am thinking….

So this morning I was leaving work at 4am and I just had an overbearing urge to hear my best friends voice and see how he was doing…At moments like that time Zones don’t mean much, but we are friends and I knew he’d forgive me for waking him on his part of the planet…

His first question was why are you awake and what time is it….?
And that’s when I realised that despite what I wrote the other day there are three other things missing from my NOMADS GUIDE TO HAPPINESS…..

Remember, 1 is a comfortable sofa, 2 is a comfortable car and 3 was an amazing sounding GPS device, 4 of course as I have stated again is my MacBook Air…

Work completed at 4am and number 5 struck me like a thunderbolt… an amazing  career.! There were several years a decade or so ago where I tried to change careers, infact I have always wanted to practice Law…. But I stayed with Pastry and seriously, who wouldn’t its amazing…
Making the planet a happier place one cake at a time is an amazing feeling. I love making the requests at BLOSSOM SWEETS because you just know when people open up the box they are going to go WOW….and the planet will be a better place for a while.
Today I am actually fortunate because I do have two great careers, food and writing and they both allow me to be creative in different ways and to totally express what is inside of me.
Having those two portals of self discovery available at al times is a great way to live and to find freedom.
 And of course if you have an amazing career or careers you need an amazing best friend to share it with no matter the time you call him… and he is number 6.
In 2012 alone I have been privileged to travel extensively with this sensational job of mine, Canada, Hawaii, USA, Phillipines, and Bahrain to name a few, and all the while I have been able to tell my friend of what I’m doing and how it all goes and he is happy for me. You don’t need a thousand friends on Facebook when you have one real friend in life.
Well it now nears 5am and I have to be back at work at 9am so finally I am reminded of the 7th requirement of a NOMADS GUIDE TO HAPPINESS…. Yep, the only real materialistic object I have other than a handful of clothes is….a coffee machine… . I could not live with out my dozen espresso’s a day. There is just something so calming too in the house about the smell of a freshly roasted coffee being brewed. I make a point of never getting in the car without having had a coffee. Other drivers beware if ever that changes. I m just a nicer guy with a an espresso running through my veins.

Anyway its time to curl up on the comfy sofa and let the head rest for an hour or two….a warm cup of coffee always makes me sleepy  !!

I may only have an hour or two till I head back to the kitchen, but I have everything I need, and that’s soothes this soul a plenty……

Have a great day folks..
And remember

Monday, 11 June 2012


Some say that tiredness makes you foggy in the head…
I find that tiredness brings about clarity..
I just completed a 20 hour stint in the kitchen…7am to 3am…wow…
But on the drive home I realized that there are only three things in life which I truly need..clarity in life….the essentials required in life to exist and to survive in a hard working life…

1    A comfortable sofa….several reasons really….married or unmarried it matters not, a sofa is where you will entertain, watch videos, tv and relax and therefore it will need to be comfortable as it is probably is the most utilized piece of sitting matter in the house.  On top of this if you are in a relationship or married and there is an argument, it usually ends up that the guy gets kicked to the sofa, for me, I cant wait to kicked to the sofa, I grab that pillow and run to it, like a kid going to the state fair, its awesome….always make sure the sofa is way more comfortable than the bed, and that way even if you lose the argument, you win the battle…..and its nice to sleep peacefully on the sofa thinking of the other half tossing and turning on a hard lumpy mattress…ha ha ha
Silent victories are sweeter victories !! Lastly of course the comfortable sofa is a requirement of the hard worker for simply its nice to sit, put your feet up and suddenly wake up 7 hours later and find that you had a restful sleep without having had to move location from your initial collapse into bed….

2    The second essential requirement of a busy worker, is a great car. I have the same car now that I had in the land of my 26th floor oasis and I love it…For decades I never got the love of cars, but today I do. Its an extension of your soul. The world does not exist outside the cabin to my mean machine.. Literally!! I pulled into Carrefour last week , parked, hit the break and woke up twenty minutes later when the phone rang… A car should be as comfortable to sit in as your sofa….it does not matter if the passenger seats are hard and lumpy, just the cockpit seat, should be an armchair from which you can command the tank you drive… I don’t like little cars, they make a mess when you hit some thing and a big car just goes over everything…much more convenient… I adore my car.  Also if you have an argument with a loved one and the sofa remains too close to the battle ground, you can run with your pillow like a kid at the state fair and go sleep in the car…

3.     Finally the only other thing a busy worker needs is a good GPS device with a great voice behind the screen. I have that. The woman who voices my GPS is my rock. She never gets lost  and she offers me so many options and she never argues with me even when I get lost, she just recalculates and on we go. She is amazing. The perfect woman. She does not harp on that I took the wrong turn or that I missed a junction or in my happiness to drive that I took the second exit not the third on a roundabout., simply she just takes a second and recalculates and on we go. She’s a fun loving girl too, I punched in a street name the other day and with bad misspelling on my behalf she informed me that the sreet was in the UK, England. It took me a second but I thought wow, why not.. the shop will run itself , lets go… Then I realized I did not have enough petrol and the wallet remained in the kitchen so despite her tease of a side trip to the British Isles, I had to relent and make her recalculate.

That’s pretty much it though..
Many friends cart furniture from country to country, I never have. I live like a nomad. I am the least materialistic guy on the planet. I don’t want junk, I arrived on the planet without anything and don’t want it cremated with me so why waste hard earned cash on it.

Here today and gone tomorrow has a whole new meaning when you don’t own anything. Except that cheeky little voice on the GPS, she’s coming with me when I next move to another country, everything else, superfluous.

Oh wait, I lie…..there is a fourth item required of my lifestyle….My APPLE Mac Book Air….but its not really a material object, its part of me…
Cieu till next time.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

I M.I.Z. Abu Dhabi !!!

There is a point every morning as I breach the crest of Mussafa bridge at 16th street where the peace of the accommodation center of this part of the world changes for a whole different world for the next 8-10 hours…
There should be a sign post at the top of the bridge….not of speed limits, not of the bumpy road ahead, but a man pulling his hair out with the notation, ”NUTS AHEAD”, welcome to CRAZY VILLE..
For Mussaffa truly is full of nuts and the next ten hours are about pulling one’s hair out….Crazy best describes the road system and the drivers.

Draw a  map of the Mussafa Industrial Zone (M.I.Z) and there comes a point where you just have a stack of lines veering off one another….there are no street names here….
I tried explaining to a supplier yesterday, go straight on 16th street, turn left onto 13th street then turn left into…well just turn left then right, then second right and well after that follow your nose….. We are the factory that smells nice…!!!

Moving to Abu Dhabi I had visions of the grand Emirates Palace, the modern structures of grandeur that fill the Internet, ideas of YAS island and so many glistening buildings of grandiose design that we have all seen and been impressed by in real estate magazines.

Mussaffa, well, it is like an arm pit …. Necessary , serves a purpose but not the kind of place you want to spend eternity….
And we won’t we are moving on within a year or so, currently working out a new kitchen plan and building the kitchen of dreams to take our endeavor ever forward…..

For now at least Mussaffa has one great asset…………………………………….. hang on, I’m thinking……………….oh yes……………....we get Radio 2 from Dubai, which is truly heaven on earth….
They play such fantastic music….and they have the greatest morning team to ever hit the airwaves...seriously funny duo that makes mornings worthwhile again.......after 7 years of radio dribble in another land....
There are days when I’m working long and hard and even tired I feel like I’m an apprentice once again working in the back pastry area of OSCARS restaurant on the Gold Coast, age 14 and just starting my apprenticeship… Don henley's Boys of Summer and Pharaohs by Tears for Fear, Vienna by Ultravox and U2 where all the big thing and to hear them again today….makes this maddening chaos all worth while…

Some days , living in the armpit of the UAE just isn’t so bad ….I close the doors to the kitchen, put on my chefs jacket and rock around the kitchen like a 14 year old…..and thus I join the citizens of NUTS VILLE , which we all  lovingly call the Mussafa Industrial Zone.... Being nuts has never been such fun....