Wednesday, 25 January 2012

More Pastillage

Sorry but have to post these for my own sake. These are the works of the team over the past few days and some are truly amazing  especially the planes. I love working with creative people.

Ode to a Holiday

I recently ventured to a resort town in the Philippines, 8 hours north of Manilla for an extremely restful and relaxing vacation, yet even on holidays I found myself musing over local goods and produce.
I guess you can take the chef out of the kitchen but you can never take the kitchen out of the chef.
Having worked on cruise ships for years also i found it nice to visit the land where so many of the chefs I have worked with are from.
The following uses UBE (which is a sweet potato) in Ube Palvaron ( a kind of unbaked cookie and when crushed very tasty and similar to streusel but extremely soft and buttery.
The dessert is Ube Palvaron, chocolate fondante, chocolate mousse flavored with lemon grass and a chocolate ganache with a hint of kalamansi lime, chocolate microwave sponge, served with fresh berries and 70% dark chocolate sugar sticks.
This offers and amazing cross section of flavors and textures and makes me so glad that I travelled that far north of Manilla to experience Ube in all its forms.
And they think we do nothing on our vacations !!! huh !